
Patrice B. Myers
Chapter President
River City (TN) Chapter
The Links Incorporated
From Our President:
What an honor it is to serve as your president at this time when we are continuing to celebrate 30 years as River City (TN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. Chartered in 1993, we now have 59 active members. We honor the friendships which have evolved throughout the years, as well as the service which has transformed the communities here in Memphis-Shelby County. Each of us plays an intricate role which binds us to a rich past and a promising future.
Each year we are given the opportunity to reflect upon our role in the chapter and within the community we serve. That reflection should highlight how we have, in the past, and will, in the future, transform our communities through Friendship and Service. This will be our focus as we move through the next two years. Our rich past will form the firm foundation from which our future will emerge.
The Links, Incorporated has stated many times during 2022 – 2023 that it was a time to R.E.S.E.T. This was the guide as we transitioned from the virtual world to in-person. I challenge each of us to do more. In 2023-2025, we will become so much more. River City (TN) Chapter Link sisters will become P.L.U.S. – Powerful Links United in Service.